Individual Sales Coaching

Individual Sales Coaching

Individual Sales Coaching

Steps to Success

One-to-one Sales Coaching and Mentoring is a real “BUT” kicker!

It’s perfect for sales professionals who are:

  • Great at following up on leads BUT can’t close the sale.
  • Really smart presenters BUT have trouble meeting objections.
  • Ripe for promotion BUT need better interpersonal skills.
  • Strong at connecting BUT weak in probing and problem-solving.
  • Strong self-starters BUT challenged working with a team.

In other words, one-to-one sales guidance is perfect for anyone who needs that special tweak or push to reach full potential. With an individualized learning plan, your salesperson can jumpstart their skill set for immediate sales results.

Depending on individual needs, Sales Coaching can include:

  • Improving think-on-your-feet problem-solving and flexibility.
  • Building sales confidence through skill development.
  • Deepening emotional intelligence to build trust and eliminate resistance.
  • Improving analytical, written, and oral communication skills.
  • Creating and delivering persuasive sales presentations.
  • Anticipating, handling, and overcoming sales objections.
  • Creating a goals-oriented, competitive mindset.

 If you believe your salesperson or executive, with the right help, can become a star, call Helen Berman for a complimentary consultation at 310-230-3899.

“Helen’s Coaching and Mentoring program has paid off, with big dividends! From assessing strengths and weaknesses to applying newly found sales and management skills, Helen’s program is a ‘must’ for today’s sales pros and executive.” –Greg Tress, Associate Publisher, SGC, Inc.

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